Femke Verwest

Head of Department Full name
Dr. F. Verwest Dr. Femke Verwest works as a researcher at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. She graduated in 2001 from the Leiden University in the field of Public Administration, and in 2011, she obtained the degree of doctor in the field of Management Sciences from Radboud University Nijmegen. She is among others supervisor of the PBL-projects on issues of housing, employment and mobility.
- 2008-2011: PhD research at the Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Management Science (external assistant in training)
- 1996-2001: MA Science of public administration at Leiden University (specialties: Organisation & Management and International Administration)
- 1998-1999: Socrates Exchange Programme at the Political Science Faculty at the University of Bologna, Italy
- 1990-1996: VWO, Grotius College in Delft
Work experience
- March 2021-current: Head of the Department of Urbanisation and Transport at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- May 2014-2021: Deputy head at the Department Nature and Rural Areas at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- 2008- May 2014: Researcher at the Department Urbanisation and Transport at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- 2002-2008: Researcher at the Department Spatial Planning and the Quality of the Local Environment at Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research (NISR)
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