Olga Ivanova

Senior Researcher
Full name
Dr. Olga Ivanova
My specialty is quantitative economic analysis , macro - economic and micro - economic modeling and policy evaluation. Applications of my work include among others regional economic models , international trade and transport models , vehicle stock and transport emission models LUTI models , general - equilibrium models at country and global level ( CGE ) , input-output analysis , discrete choice and labor market models . I have a broad knowledge of the spatial economic research, both through my PhD as well as through my professional experience. My expertise includes different types of economic policy , ranging from regional cohesion policy and transport policy to policy on climate change. I have experience with acquisition , implementation and management of large service contracts and FP6 / FP7 research projects for the European Commission , in combination with several publications in scientific journals.
  • PhD in Economics, University of Oslo
  • Master of Science in Environmental and Development Economics, University of Oslo
  • Master of Science in Quantitative Finance, University of St-Petersburg
Work experience
  • TNO
  • Transport and Mobility Leuven
  • Free University of Brussels
  • Transport Economic Institute, Oslo


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