Nature in Modern Society, Now and in the Future – a philosophers’ dialogue

On 11 November 2015, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency will host a philosophers’ dialogue on the future of nature and nature policy in the EU. Four distinguished philosophers, including Bruno Latour, will discuss their ideas with each other and the audience.

Changing role of nature

The role of nature in our society is changing, with ‘nature for people’ and ‘people and nature’ as upcoming frames. What does this mean for nature policy on EU, national and other levels, in the long term? And how does the changing role of nature relate to other topical themes like sustainable food and healthy cities? 

Four renowned philosophers will engage in an inspirational, thought-provoking exchange of ideas on the fundamental value of nature and its relationship with society:

  • Bruno Latour, author of Politics of Nature;
  • Roger Scruton, author of Green Philosophy;
  • Wilhelm Schmid, author of Ökologische Lebenskunst (Green Art of Living);
  • Annemarie Mol, author of The Logic of Care.

The dialogue will be moderated by Matthijs Schouten, author of Spiegel van de natuur (Mirror of nature) and presenter of NTR Academy on Dutch television. PBL Director-General Hans Mommaas will act as host for this event.

Picture of Annemarie Mol
Picture of Roger Scruton
Picture of Wilhelm Schmid


About the topic:

Nature, landscapes and biodiversity

With a large variety of studies, PBL supports policy on nature, landscape and ecosystem services.

More about nature, landscapes and biodiversity