Regional net zero emission goals strongly depend on the allocation of negative emissions and effort-sharing
Scenarios in line with the Paris Agreement often show global net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (i.e. neutrality), for the second half of the century. A new PBL report shows that, for high-income...
With local action, major economies can get closer to meeting Paris climate targets
A new report finds that action by cities, states, regions and business can go a long way towards meeting the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, but their actions alone are not enough to hold global...
Learn from the past and bring the Paris Climate Agreement goals closer within reach
The Talanoa Dialogue in the UNFCCC negotiations extends a broad invitation to share low-carbon stories on how to move from ‘where do want to go’ to ‘how do we get there’. The aim is to ratchet up...
Energy transition calls for a long-term strategy for the North Sea
A strong increase in the number of offshore wind farms outside the 12-mile zone means that room on the North Sea is becoming scarce. This calls for a strategy for the North Sea that runs up to 2050...
Achieving Paris climate targets requires a substantial reallocation of global investments
A new analysis shows that investments in low carbon energy and energy efficiency will need to markedly increase if the world is to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement’s aim of keeping global warming...
Professor Detlef van Vuuren, climate scientist at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, has been awarded membership of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Van Vuuren...
The 1.5°C target can also be met using less negative emissions
The objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement can be attained with fewer negative emissions than shown in the majority of analyses. A greater focus on lifestyle change, increased use of renewable...
Models show how to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C
New model-based scenarios show that that there are ways to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C instead of 2.0˚C by 2100. In a research paper published in Nature Climate Change, researchers, among...
Fossil fuel subsidy removal has less impact on greenhouse gas emissions than hoped for
Ending fossil fuel subsidies would reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 1-5%, according to a paper published in Nature. Most of this impact would be achieved in fossil fuel exporting countries...
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the Radboud University in Nijmegen have signed a formal partnership agreement to further strengthen their collaboration in biodiversity modelling.