Climate plans could reduce emissions significantly, yet still fall short of 2 °C
Climate plans submitted by countries in the run-up to the Paris Summit could deliver significant reductions in the emission of greenhouse gases. Without new climate policies, the world would emit...
PhD promotion: possibilities for integrated policy for air quality and climate change
Far-reaching climate policy usually goes hand in hand with less air pollution. These co-benefits could make it more attractive for countries like China and India to move towards a more efficient...
Climate action outside UNFCCC could be of same order as pledges by governments
International climate initiatives operating outside the global climate negotiations could deliver greenhouse gas emission reductions of 2.5 Gt CO2-equivalents by 2020 and 5.5 Gt CO2eq by 2030...
INDCs signal unprecedented momentum for Climate Agreement in Paris
INDCs are projected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 by up to 6 gigatonnes of CO2e, but 12 extra gigatonnes are needed to keep warming below 2° C. Existing policies and strong engagement by...
The road to Paris: INDC tool shows effect of emission reduction proposals
The interactive PBL Climate Pledge INDC tool tracks the emission reduction proposals and policies that countries are submitting in the run-up to the Paris Climate Summit. Updated each time new...
Biodiversity: further decline or bending the trend? A new animated film
What is happening to life on earth? What are the pressures affecting biological diversity globally, and what can be done to stop its decline? This short animated film brings you to the year 2050 and...
The Netherlands National Energy Outlook reveals that objectives for renewable energy and energy saving cannot yet be achieved, but climate targets will be. Employment in the energy sector is shifting...
Global CO2 emissions increase to new all-time record, but growth is slowing down
2013 saw global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use and cement production reach a new all-time high. This was mainly due to the continuing steady increase in energy use in emerging economies over the...
Proposed climate policy pledges important step forward but fall short of 2°C
Pledges to reduce greenhouse gas / CO2 emissions in China, Europe and the US provide an important step forward for climate change action, but a more comprehensive effort is needed to limit global...
UN Calls for Global Carbon Neutrality by Mid to Late Century to Stay within 2°C
In order to limit global temperature rise to 2 oC and head off the worst impacts of climate change, global carbon neutrality should be attained by mid-to‐late century. This would also keep in check...