Environmental challenges around the Rhine and Yangtze rivers are very similar
The river basins of the European Rhine and the Chinese Yangtze feature similar challenges: environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, urbanisation and climate adaptation. The...
New interactive site shows challenges for deltas and explores options for bending the trend
River basins and deltas are hotspot landscapes because they are home to large — and in developing countries growing — populations that depend on the many ecosystem services these systems provide. The...
DNB and PBL: biodiversity loss is a source of financial risk
The financial sector is exposed to risks as a result of biodiversity loss. This emerged from a joint study by Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. The new...
New tool shows worldwide river and coastal flooding
On 23 April 2020, the World Resource Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, VU Amsterdam, Deltares and Utrecht University published a new interactive website on global flooding...
Afforestation can mitigate climate change, but only to a certain extent
Afforestation can provide an important contribution to limiting climate change, as trees take up CO 2 from the atmosphere. However, the implementation of relatively cheap afforestation should not lead...
Transition to clean cooking good for people and planet
More than 700 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa still use traditional biomass (wood or charcoal) on open fires or inefficient traditional cookstoves for cooking. This results in serious health...
Stocktake tool hosted by PBL measures progress towards Paris goals
What are the implications of the implementation of national climate policies, and how do they add up to the greenhouse gas emission reductions needed to keep global warming to well below 2 ˚C or even...
Two-thirds of major emitting countries still not on track to reach Paris climate proposals
In the Paris Climate Agreement, which went into effect on 4 November 2016, countries promised to implement policies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. A report by NewClimate Institute, PBL...
Consequences of scenarios that limit global warming in line with the Paris Agreement
This new PBL-JRC-IIASA report presents a set of scenarios that limit global warming to below 2 °C and 1.5 °C, by using either the full portfolio of reduction options, as represented in the IMAGE and...
Opportunities for Enhanced Action to Keep Paris Goals within Reach
Current climate policies are inconsistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, but model-based scenario analyses also show that there are several opportunities to strengthen current climate...