PBL Advisory Board

The task of the PBL Advisory Board (BC) is to monitor both scientific quality and social relevance of PBL’s work. Supervision of scientific quality includes, in any case, ensuring periodic audits. Supervision of scientific quality focuses on the main lines of the quality policy (including supervision of the manner of its implementation). In addition, a limited number of individual projects are discussed annually in terms of quality and relevance.

Supervision of social relevance includes advising on the annual PBL Work Program. The supervisory role mainly takes the form of reflecting on the working methods and content of PBL's work, with the Advisory Board acting as a sparring partner for PBL’s management. In addition, where necessary, the BC serves as a discussion partner for the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management with regard to PBL's performance; PBL is organizationally part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. Members of the Advisory Board are always appointed for a period of 4 years, with the possibility of reappointment.


  • prof. Elbert Dijkgraaf, professor of empirical economics of the public sector at Erasmus University Rotterdam and former Member of Parliament for the SGP (chairman)
  • Hilde Blank, Director of BVR Advisors Spatial Planning
  • Manon Bloemer, Director General at the Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry (VNCI)
  • Paul 't Hart, Professor of Public Administration, Utrecht University School of Governance & NSOB - Netherlands School for Public Administration
  • Pauline van der Meer Mohr, various supervisory positions, including chairman of the Corporate Governance Monitoring Committee, chairman of the Supervisory Board of EY Nederland LLP and vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board of DSM NV
  • Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus and Vice-president of Wageningen University & Research