Comments from the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) on the European Commission's consultation paper on the future 'EU 2020' strategy


Based on Getting into the Right Lane for 2050, the Director of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency contributed to the consultation on the future EU 2020 strategy. One key point is that the EU’s aims for 2020 should be consistent with its ambitions for 2050, or the latter may never be realised. This is argued on the basis of the magnitude and inherent slow pace of change, as well as the longlevity of capital goods. It is also imperative that interim solutions – for example, for the energy supply constraints of the 2020s – do not create a lock-in.


Publication title
Comments from the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) on the European Commission's consultation paper on the future 'EU 2020' strategy
Publication date
14 January 2010
Publication type
Product number