SF6 from electrical equipment and other uses


The current consumption of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) in electrical equipment is about 60% of which 42% is from original electrical equipment manufacturers and the remaining 18% goes to refill by electric utilities. For other uses the consumption is in the range of 11% to 34% which can be broken down as follows: truck tyres 2%, tennis balls, soles of sporting shoes 3%, soundproof windows 4%, miscellaneous applications labelled ‘utilities’ 23% and the remaining other applications 5%. In this paper, regional distribution and recent emission trends for 1990-1995 are discussed. Since 1995 there has been a distinct change in the trend due to the introduction.


Olivier J , Winiwarter W , Chang JP


Publication title
SF6 from electrical equipment and other uses
Publication date
16 October 2003
Publication type
In: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC. Background papers of the IPCC expert meetings on good practice guidance and uncertainty management in national greenhouse gas inventories. Kanagawa: Institute for Global Environenmtal Strategies IGES, 2002;227-41
Product number