Re-use of former farms and hidden urbanization of rural areas


In Western Europe the agricultural sector is confronted with decreasing revenues and complex regulations. These circumstances bring about three developments, which have consequences for rural areas. First, more and more farmers try to earn extra income from non-agricultural activities. Secondly, agricultural firm dissolution increases. Thirdly, redundant farm buildings are being re-used as non-agricultural business accommodations. Re-use of former farms occurs everywhere in the Netherlands. This process of re-use can be interpreted as an urban-rural shift.


F. Daalhuizen, F. van Dam, R. Goetgeluk


Publication title
Re-use of former farms and hidden urbanization of rural areas
Publication date
31 December 2004
Publication type
in: A. M. de Souza Mello Bicalho & S. W. Hoefle (eds), The regional dimension and contemporary challenges to rural sustainability, Montreal/Rio de Janeiro IGU/ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; p213-229
Product number