Integrated global-change modelling with IMAGE-2


The book considers an array of state-of-the-art coupling and modelling concepts. First the relevant Earth system cycles are presented, followed by a discussion on scale issues and multiple equilibria. Inter- and intra-compartmental coupling is addressed, along with a debate on non-linearities and questions of parameterisation. Several applications are presented, where a focus is on cases where the hydrological cycle plays a central role. In this chapter a case study with the IMAGE-2 (Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environmen) model is presented.


Eickhout B , Leemans R


Publication title
Integrated global-change modelling with IMAGE-2
Publication date
14 October 2004
Publication type
In: Bronstert A, Carrera J, Kabat P, Lutkemeier S, eds. Coupled models for the hydrological cycle. Berlin: Springer, 2004;293-8
Product number