DIMITRI: a model for the study of policy issues in relation to the economy, technology and the environment


In this chapter the characteristics of the DIMITRI (Dynamic Input-output Model to study the Impacts of Technology Related Innovations) model is illustrated by three cases.

First, the model is used to analyze changes in energy use by Dutch economic sectors between 1980 and 1997. By running the model with different technological scenarios, it is possible to discern the effect of efficient changes within sectors and structural changes within the economy.

Second, an analysis is performed for energy use related to Dutch production and consumption by economic sectors outside the Netherlands. Both cases are ex post studies and of a typical environmental balance nature.

The third case is of an environmental outlook nature. It focuses on the effects of a transition to a new technology. The introduction of novel protein foods in the Netherlands between 1995 and 2030 will result in shifts among economic sectors and among regions


Idenburg AM , Wilting HC


Publication title
DIMITRI: a model for the study of policy issues in relation to the economy, technology and the environment
Publication date
17 June 2004
Publication type
In: Bergh JCJM van den, Janssen MA, eds. Economics of industrial ecology: materials, structural change and spatial scales. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004;223-52
Product number