Implementing the Kyoto Protocol in the European Community


This paper describes the role of the European Community (EC) in negotiating the Kyoto Protocol and then focuses on the progress of the European Union (EU) towards meeting its Kyoto commitments.

The EC ratified the Kyoto Protocol on May 31, 2002. It has pledged to meet the implied target of an 8 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions between 2008 and 2012 compared to 1990 levels. The European Union, as well as its Member States, is putting in place a set of policies and measures to achieve this. An analysis of greenhouse gas projections by the Member States themselves and Europe-wide model projections, however, show that this target is unlikely to be met with the envisaged domestic policies alone. The remaining gap would have to be closed using the Kyoto mechanisms or by developing and implementing additional domestic policies. So far, few EU Member States have yet taken concrete steps to realise this.


Petroula T , Swart R , Gugele B , Strobel B , Taylor P


Publication title
Implementing the Kyoto Protocol in the European Community
Publication date
13 May 2004
Publication type
Int Rev Environm Strategies 2004; 5:83-108
Product number