From Climate objectives to emissions reduction. Insights into the opportunities for mitigating climate change


Required reductions for reaching low greenhouse gas stabilisation levels are technically feasible at likely range of direct costs in the order of 1-2% of GDP, but this will require immediate action, a broad range of options and worldwide participation in mitigating greenhouse gas emission.

This is the main finding of a study documented here to investigate options for low stabilisation targets. Recent studies have shown that the EU target to limit global mean temperature increase to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius can only be reached with a reasonable degree of certainty if greenhouse gas concentrations are stabilised at low levels (i.e. around 450 ppm CO2-eq or less; see also this report). Most studies so-far have considered much higher stabilisation targets.


Vuuren DP van , Berk M , Farla R , Vos R de - Oude Lohuis JA , Vuuren D van (eds)


Publication title
From Climate objectives to emissions reduction. Insights into the opportunities for mitigating climate change
Publication date
14 November 2006
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