Territorial Impact Assessment of Territorial Cohesion for the Netherlands


In terms of land use, the impacts of territorial cohesion, however interpreted, would be virtually negligible for the Netherlands in the near future. In the long term, territorial cohesion does provide some interesting opportunities. Use of indicators other than GDP in territorial cohesion policy, combined with a focus on territorial capital would enhance eligibility for EU-funding and improve understanding for the specific geographical situation of the Netherlands in Europe. More important for the Netherlands is the impact that territorial cohesion may have on EU policy by improving cross-sectoral coherence and making EU policy more compatible with the Dutch tradition of integrated assessments.

The modest levels of expected impact should not be misconstrued to mean that territorial cohesion is unimportant. It is still in an early phase of policy development. As many fundamental decisions are still open, the Netherlands can play a role in giving shape to whatever territorial cohesion policy emerges.

This ex ante territorial impact assessment of territorial cohesion policy was carried out on request of the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Planning and the Environment (VROM). The purpose was to provide an early indication of the most important possible interpretations of territorial cohesion and to estimate the territorial effects each interpretation could have for the Netherlands.


David Evers, Joost Tennekes e.a.


Publication title
Territorial Impact Assessment of Territorial Cohesion for the Netherlands
Publication date
18 February 2009
Publication type
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