Realisation of Environmental Targets - Progress report 2007. Summary


This report is intended to assist the annual policy accountability process (the VBTB debate) by providing information about trends in pressure on the environment and environmental quality.It also contains an update of emission estimates, which it uses as the basis for indicating whether achievement of the environmental targets – which have often been set for 2010 – is to be expected given current policy. The information about the condition of the environment and the achievement of environmental policy targets is stated using indicators that link up as much as possible to the components of the ministry budget. This is because the accountability debate looks back at the budgets. In September, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency will publish the Environmental Balance, which contains an analysis of the environment policy in a broad context.

Most emissions are falling but many environmental targets will still not be achieved

The trends for pressure on the environment and environmental quality are generally favourable. However, given current policy, the targets for many environmental dossiers will not be met in time. An important exception is the Kyoto target.

Increased chance of achieving Kyoto and NEC targets

The prognosis for greenhouse gases (Kyoto emission) has been adjusted downwards by 8 Mtonne. The main cause for this reduction is that the emissions ceiling permitted by the European Commission for companies in the CO2 emissions trading system is considerably lower than was assumed in the 2006 Environmental Balance. This means that Dutch companies will purchase more emission reductions abroad. The prognosis for 2010 is for 216 Mtonne of Kyoto emissions, against the background of a domestic target of 222 Mtonne. This means that the domestic target will probably be met. If the government succeeds in purchasing the intended 100 Mtonne of emission reductions abroad, the Kyoto commitment will probably be met with current policy.


Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau MNP


Publication title
Realisation of Environmental Targets - Progress report 2007. Summary
Publication date
12 July 2007
Publication type
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Product number