Post-2012 Climate Policy Scenarios


The cost and effectiveness of climate policy in Europe depend on the international post-2012 climate regime. This report analyzes four alternative policy scenarios. The analysis shows that only if all major countries become actively involved in emissions abatement before 2020, the EU 2 degree climate target is feasible.

A global coalition of all major countries is needed to meet the EU 2 degree climate target

The cost and effectiveness of climate policy in Europe depend on the international post-2012 climate regime. Crucial are the stringency of the policy and the size of the climate coalition, e.g. the willingness of regions outside Europe to implement a climate policy. This report analyzes four alternative policy scenarios. These four scenarios are characterised along two dimensions: the sense of urgency expressed by the policy goal, and the willingness to resolve the climate problem through concerted action. This analysis provides a background for identifying the best mitigation options, both in the Netherlands and the EU. Only if all major countries become actively involved in emissions abatement before 2020, the EU 2 degree climate target is feasible. In smaller coalitions the costs to coalition members and the environmental ineffectiveness tend to increase.

In cooperation with:


Boeters S , Elzen MGJ den , Manders T , Veenendaal P , Verweij G - Elzen MGJ den (eds)


Publication title
Post-2012 Climate Policy Scenarios
Publication date
5 July 2007
Publication type
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Product number