Options for post-2012 EU burden sharing and EU ETS allocation


Discussions on post-2012 climate change policies have again raised the question of EU internal burden sharing. Due to the introduction of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) these discussions have become related to the future of the allocation of emission allowances under the ETS. The purpose of this report is to assess various separate and joint options for EU burden sharing and EU ETS allocation beyond 2012, based on a sample of policy evaluation criteria and a review of the literature on (1) international and EU burden sharing of future greenhouse gas mitigation commitments, and (2) allocation of GHG emission allowances among countries, sectors and emitting installations.

Options for post-2012 EU burden sharing

In this Scientific Assessment and Policy Analysis (WAB) report, post-2012 options for EU burden sharing and ETS allocation are assessed by means of a variety of policy evaluation criteria including:

  • environmental effectiveness
  • economic efficiency
  • political acceptability
  • social equity
  • industrial competitiveness
  • administration costs.

It should be noted, however, that these criteria have often different meanings and interpretations, depending on whether they are used to evaluate:

  • international/EU burden sharing options
  • ETS allocation options
  • joint options for EU burden sharing and ETS allocation

Moreover, besides the selection and interpretation of the policy evaluation criteria, the overall assessment of these options depends on the weighing and adding of these (sometimes qualitative, subjective) criteria.


Sijm JPM , Berk MM , Elzen MGJ den , Wijngaard RA van den - Sijm JPM (eds)


Publication title
Options for post-2012 EU burden sharing and EU ETS allocation
Publication date
31 May 2007
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