Validating SimpleBox-Computed Steady-State Concentration Ratios


The validity of the multi-media model SimpleBox version 2.0 with respect to its specific use in the procedure of testing the coherence of independently derived environmental quality objectives is evaluated. The SimpleBox procedure for testing the coherence of environmental quality objectives has been critically examined by a Committee of the Dutch Health Council in 1995. The Committee recommended testing the validity of this specific application of SimpleBox.

Environmental concentrations of five substances, tetrachloroethylene, lindane, benzo[a]pyrene, fluoranthene and chrysene, are compared to predicted concentrations. More specifically the monitoring data were used to derive concentration ratios for adjacent compartments, which were compared to modelled steady-state concentration ratios taking uncertainties in the model input parameters into account. The results indicate that concentration ratios generally do not deviate much more than a factor of ten from 'observed' data. The discrepancies between the computed and 'observed' ratios of concentrations in the air and soil compartments are much larger, exceeding a factor of thirty.


Bakker J , Brandes LJ , Hollander HA den , Meent D van de , Struijs J


Publication title
Validating SimpleBox-Computed Steady-State Concentration Ratios
Publication date
17 May 2003
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