Simplified Multi-Stage and Per Capita Convergence: an analysis of two climate regimes for differentiation of commitments


In this report two post-Kyoto climate regimes for differentiation of future commitments, the simplified Multi-Stage approach and the Per Capita Convergence approach, are described and analysed in detail. The Multi-Stage approach consists of a system to divide countries into groups with different types of commitments (stages), resulting in a gradual increase over time in the number of countries involved and their level of commitment. Three new simplified Multi-Stage variants, which share three consecutive stages for the different commitments, have been developed and analysed.


Elzen MGJ den , Berk MM , Lucas P


Publication title
Simplified Multi-Stage and Per Capita Convergence: an analysis of two climate regimes for differentiation of commitments
Publication date
30 July 2004
Publication type
Publication language
Product number