The Agricultural Economy Model in IMAGE 2.2


During the second Advisory Board Meeting on IMAGE 2.0 (Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment) which took place in june 1994, it was discussed to improve the Agricultural Economy Model (AEM) by adopting a 'simple equilibrium relation between supply and demand'. This resulted in a new version in IMAGE 2.1.

In this version, the AEM is part of the Terrestial Environmental System (TES) and computes the demands for food and feed crops and timber. The output of the AEM is one of the inputs to the Land Cover Model (LCM), which determines how land use and land cover will change in order to meet the demands from the AEM and the demands for biofuels and fuelwood as determined by the Energy/Industry System (EIS). In this report, the focus will be on the module that computes the demand for vegetable and animal food products.

It is described why and how this part of the AEM has been improved in IMAGE 2.2, by first describing the IMAGE 2.1-version and the related problems. Then it is discussed how these problems were more or less tackled in IMAGE 2.2 and what steps are currently being discussed to develop an integrated land-economy-model that will cover all land related products (food, feed, wood, biomass, etc.) into one economic model. This model will be part of a next version of IMAGE.


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Publication title
The Agricultural Economy Model in IMAGE 2.2
Publication date
20 August 2001
Publication type
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