Manual for Dynamic Modelling of Soil Response to Atmospheric Deposition


The objective of this manual is to inform the network of National Focal Centers (NFCs) about the requirements of methodologies for the dynamic modelling of geochemical processes in soils in particular. This information is necessary to support European air quality policies with knowledge on time delays of ecosystem damage or recovery caused by changes, in time, of acidifying deposition.

This manual has been requested by bodies under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) to support the extension of the European critical load database with dynamic modelling parameters. A Very Simple Dynamic (VSD) model is described to encourage NFCs to meet minimum data requirements upon engaging in the extension of national critical load databases. This manual can be consulted in combination with a running version of VSD which is available on:

The manual also provides an overview of existing dynamic models which generally have more complex input data requirements. Finally, the manual tentatively describes possible linkages between dynamic modelling results and integrated air pollution assessment modelling. This linkage is necessary for use in the near future support of the review of the 1999 CLRTAP Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone (the "Gothenburg Protocol") and the 2001 EU National Emission Ceiling directive.


Posch MB , Hettelingh J-P , Slootweg J


Publication title
Manual for Dynamic Modelling of Soil Response to Atmospheric Deposition
Publication date
25 April 2003
Publication type
Publication language
Product number