Sectoral CO2 emissions in the Netherlands up to 2010. Update of the Reference Projection for Policy-making on Indicative Targets


This ECN/RIVM-report presents the future sectoral emissions, including industry and energy supply. The results have been used to set indicative targets for sectoral CO2 emissions. The results have also been used as one of the starting points for the Dutch allocation plan under the EU Emission Trading Scheme. The viewpoints of sector representatives on the projected emissions are also included.


Boonekamp PGM , Daniels BW , Dril AWN van , Kroon P , Ybema JR , Wijngaart RA van den


Publication title
Sectoral CO2 emissions in the Netherlands up to 2010. Update of the Reference Projection for Policy-making on Indicative Targets
Publication date
20 April 2004
Publication type
Publication language
Product number