How much does a 30% emissionreduction cost? Macroeconomic effects of post-Kyoto climate policy in 2020


This study analyzes the macro-economic impacts of a climate policy that aims to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by industrialized countries to 30% below the level of 1990. Such an effort is consistent with the policy target of the European Union to limit the rise of the average world temperature compared to pre-industrialized level to 2 degrees Celsius. The economic consequences of such a climate policy may vary widely.

In 2020 the loss to the Netherlands of such a strategy is assessed to be 0.8 percent of National Income, provided all countries will engage in the climate policy and efficient international emissions markets will be in place. However, if the developing countries do not join the abatement coalition, and only industrialized countries are engaged in climate policy, the costs to the Netherlands may rise to 4.8 percent of National Income. The costs also depend on economic growth in the underlying scenario. In a low economic growth scenario with a global abatement coalition the costs will amount to 0.2 percent of National Income.


Bollen JC , Manders AJG , Veenendaal PJJ


Publication title
How much does a 30% emissionreduction cost? Macroeconomic effects of post-Kyoto climate policy in 2020
Publication date
21 September 2004
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Product number