Four scenarios for Europe. Based on UNEP's third Global Environment Outlook


The third Global Environment Outlook (GEO-3) was published on the eve of the Johannesburg summit. At that moment in time (autumn 2002), GEO-3 looked back thirty years and forward thirty years. As set of what-if scenarios was used to explore the ways our society can advance, including implications for environmental and social goals. Characteristically, GEO-3 examines in a relatively deep fashion how its global scenarios can be interpreted in the context of each of the world & apos's regions. This brochure presents the pan-European elaboration of the four GEO-3 scenarios: Markets First, Policy First, Security First and Sustainability First.


Bakkes JA (eds)


Publication title
Four scenarios for Europe. Based on UNEP's third Global Environment Outlook
Publication date
8 May 2003
Publication type
Publication language
Product number