Urban Air Quality Assessment Model UAQAM


The Urban Air Quality Assessment Model (UAQAM) calculates the city concentration caused by city emissions themselves, the so-called city background concentration. Three versions of the model for describing the dispersion were studied: Box, Gifford Hanna (GH) and a combined form of these two (the Box-GH model).

Regional background emissions contributing to the city background concentration were accounted for using measurements and TREND model calculations. The UAQAM model versions were compared to measurements of SO2 and NOX concentrations. The Box-GH and GH models were found to be more appropriate in describing the city background concentration. The Box-GH model, showing slightly better results compared to the GH model, can be taken as a starting point for the assessment of urban air quality with UAQAM.


Pul WAJ van , Zantvoort EDG van , Leeuw FAAM de , Sluyter RJCF


Publication title
Urban Air Quality Assessment Model UAQAM
Publication date
30 November 1996
Publication type
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Product number