The CARMEN Status Report 1995


Progress in the EUROMOD project (RIVM no. 461501) is reported. The EUROMOD project aims at the realization of a computer model that may support international negotiations concerning Europe's environment.

The model is called CARMEN: CAuse effect Relation Model for Environmental policy Negotiations. CARMEN contains the results of many RIVM efforts in the building of databases and models. A chain of models has been implemented that describes the fate of nitrogen emissions to the environment, either in the form of exhaust, sewage water, of fertilizer application. It is now possible to project the efficacy of abatement strategies at regional scales, such as river catchment areas and coastal seas.


Haan BJ de , Klepper O , Sauter FJ , Heuberger PSC , Rietveld AJ


Publication title
The CARMEN Status Report 1995
Publication date
31 January 1996
Publication type
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Product number