The Safe Landing Analysis: Users Manual


In comparison with the long time horizon of climate change, the time horizon of climate policy-making is by necessity much shorter. To support current climate negotiations, a methodology has been developed to link long-term climate protection goals to decisions on short-term greenhouse gas emission controls: the Safe Landing Analysis.

This report describes the tool based on this methodology which is used to calculate the so-called 'Safe Emission Corridors'. These corridors indicate the range of short term greenhouse gas emissions that are compatible with particular sets of specified short and long-term (2010 to 2100) climate goals (defined as limits for climate impact indicators) and maximum rates of emission reductions (as a proxy for economic and technological constraints for global emission control). The Safe Landing Analysis tool, based on regression analyses, uses results from the integrated climate change computer model, IMAGE 2, developed at RIVM.


Kreileman GJJ , Berk MM


Publication title
The Safe Landing Analysis: Users Manual
Publication date
30 June 1997
Publication type
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Product number