Enhancing the Effectiveness of Research to Assist International Climate Change Policy Development - Phase III Report


The project is designed to develop both substantive answers to the question of the research needs of decision makers, and to stimulate and structure a dialogue between the research and decision-maker communities.

Phase I of the project developed a design for the project and identified the participating countries, which in addition to the United States and the Netherlands, include the People's Republic of China, India, Brazil, and Poland. Phase II identified decision-makers' policy options and information needs through a series of in-country interviews and an international workshop held in the Netherlands in June 1995.

The Phase II Report was released in September 1995, and is available from S&PA and IVM. The work of Phase III has been to consider the research needs to address the policy options identified in the previous phase. This task was largely undertaken through an international research needs workshop held in San Diego in January 1996. This Report summarizes the findings of Phase III which emerged from the workshop. It identifies a research agenda that can provide the information that climate-issue decision-makers identified as being needed in Phase II.


Bernabo C , Postle Hammond S , Carter T , Revenga C , Moomaw B , Vellinga P , Hisschemoeller M , Gupta J , Klabbers J


Publication title
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Research to Assist International Climate Change Policy Development - Phase III Report
Publication date
18 February 1999
Publication type
Publication language
Product number