What would have happened to the ozone layer if chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had not been regulated?


This study simulated the effects on the stratosphere of a steady growth of ozone depleting substances and compared those results to the normal expectations of the evolution of the stratosphere in the 21st century. Very large ozone losses are computed at all latitudes in the stratosphere of the WORLD AVOIDED simulation. The largest losses in both % and DU are in the polar 15 latitudes. Large losses also occur in tropical latitudes as a result of heterogeneous chemical processes that occur in the 2052–2058 period.

Ozone depletion by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) was first proposed by Molina and Rowland in their 1974 Nature paper. Since that time, the scientific connection between ozone losses and CFCs and other ozone depleting substances (ODSs) has been firmly established with laboratory measurements, atmospheric observations, and modeling research. This science research led to the implementation of international agreements that largely stopped the production of ODSs. In this study we use a fully-coupled radiation-chemical-dynamical model to simulate a future world where ODSs were never regulated and ODS production grew at an annual rate of 3%.

In this "world avoided" simulation, 17% of the globally-average column ozone is destroyed by 2020, and 67% is destroyed by 2065 in comparison to 1980. Large ozone depletions in the polar region become year-round rather than just seasonal as is currently observed in the Antarctic ozone hole. Very large temperature decreases are observed in response to circulation changes and decreased shortwave radiation absorption by ozone. Ozone levels in the tropical lower stratosphere remain constant until about 2053 and then collapse to near zero by 2058 as a result of heterogeneous chemical processes (as currently observed in the Antarctic ozone hole). The tropical cooling that triggers the ozone collapse is caused by an increase of the tropical upwelling. In response to ozone changes, ultraviolet radiation increases, more than doubling the erythemal radiation in the northern summer midlatitudes by 2060.


Newman PA , Oman LD , Douglass AR , Fleming EL , Frith SM , Hurwitz MM , Kawa SR , Jackman CH , Krotkov NA , Nash ER , Nielsen JE , Pawson S , Stolarski RS , Velders GJM


Publication title
What would have happened to the ozone layer if chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had not been regulated?
Publication date
9 April 2009
Publication type
Atmos Chem Phys 2009; 9(6):2113-28
Product number