Global N removal by freshwater aquatic systems using a spatially distributed, within-basin approach


In this article the role of aquatic systems in the global N cycle is explored using a spatially distributed, within-basin, aquatic nitrogen (N) removal model, implemented within the Framework for Aquatic Modeling in the Earth System (FrAMES-N).


We explored the role of aquatic systems in the global N cycle using a spatially distributed, within-basin, aquatic nitrogen (N) removal model, implemented within the Framework for Aquatic Modeling in the Earth System (FrAMES-N). The model predicts mean annual total N (TN) removal by small rivers (with drainage areas from 2.6–1000 km2), large rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, using a 30′ latitude × longitude river network to route and process material from continental source areas to the coastal zone. Mean annual aquatic TN removal (for the mid-1990s time period) is determined by the distributions of aquatic TN inputs, mean annual hydrological characteristics, and biological activity.

Model-predicted TN concentrations at basin mouths corresponded well with observations (median relative error = −12%, interquartile range of relative error = 85%), an improvement over assumptions of uniform aquatic removal across basins. Removal by aquatic systems globally accounted for 14% of total N inputs to continental surfaces, but represented 53% of inputs to aquatic systems. Integrated aquatic removal was similar in small rivers (16.5% of inputs), large rivers (13.6%), and lakes (15.2%), while large reservoirs were less important (5.2%). Bias related to runoff suggests improvements are needed in nonpoint N input estimates and/or aquatic biological activity. The within-basin approach represented by FrAMES-N will improve understanding of the freshwater nutrient flux response to anthropogenic change at global scales.


Wollheim WM , Vorosmarty CJ , Bouwman AF , Green P , Harrison J , Linder E , Peterson BJ , Seitzinger SP , Syvitski JPM


Publication title
Global N removal by freshwater aquatic systems using a spatially distributed, within-basin approach
Publication date
10 October 2008
Publication type
Global Biochemical Cycles 2008; GB2026
Product number