A framework for global river flood risk assessments


Each year, the world is startled by floods occurring somewhere on the planet. Of all natural disasters floods affect the most people, in one way or another. Floods cause major damage. Well-known insurance company Munich Re has estimated a loss of USD 60 billion for 2011 alone. Therefore, within the context of global integrated assessments, exploring the future range of flood risks related to population growth, economic developments and climate change needs increased attention. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, in collaboration with Deltares, Utrecht University and the Institute for Environmental Studies of the VU University Amsterdam, has developed a global flood impact model.

A global model for flood impact assessments

This global flood impact model GLOFRIS (GLObal Flood Risk for Image Scenarios) is able to calculate the consequences of a possible flood, at a high resolution (1 km x 1 km). The model is part of the IMAGE model group and therefore takes into account changes in land use, climate, population and economic assets.

The paper 'A framework for global river flood risk assessments' published in 'Hydrology and Earth System Sciences' describes the various components of the flood model.


H.C. Winsemius, L.P.H. Van Beek, B. Jongman, P.J. Ward en A. Bouwman


Publication date
21 May 2013
Publication type
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Product number