Meeting report: national workshops for the communication of air pollution and health information: summary of four workshops in different regions of Europe


AIRNET was a thematic network project (2002-2004) initiated to stimulate the interaction between researchers in air pollution and health in Europe. As part of AIRNET's communication strategy, a standardized workshop model was developed to organize national meetings on air pollution and health (AIRNET network days) . Emphasis was given to tailor the national workshop information and related activities to the specific needs of a wider range of stakeholders (e.g., policy makers, nongovernmental organizations, industry representatives).

In this report we present an overview of the results of four workshops held in western, northern, central/eastern, and southern regions of Europe in 2004. Overall, workshop experiences indicated that by actively involving participants in the planning of each meeting, AIRNET helped create an event that addressed participants' needs and interests. A wide range of communication formats used to discuss air pollution and health also helped stimulate active interaction among participants. Overall, the national workshops held by AIRNET offered a way to improve communication among the different stakeholders. Because a broad stakeholder involvement in decision making can positively affect the development of widely supported policies, such meetings should be continued for Europe and elsewhere.


Sanderson EG , Fudge N , Totlandsdal AI , Hovelynck I , Korbee H , Rameckers E , Brunekreef B , Bree L van


Publication title
Meeting report: national workshops for the communication of air pollution and health information: summary of four workshops in different regions of Europe
Publication date
7 September 2006
Publication type
Environ Health Perspect 2006; 114(7):1108-12
Product number