The Geography of Future Water Challenges (website)


On request of the Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency transformed the publication The Geography of Future Water Challenges into a responsive website. The storyboard of this website aims to increase the awareness of the urgent need to tackle the challenges ahead for a large audience.

Towards 2050, rapid population growth in combination with climate change will increase water-related risks in many regions across the globe. For dryland areas, food production and people’s livelihoods are projected to come under increasing pressure. The growing concentration of people in cities and in vulnerable areas, such as coastal zones and deltas, will increase flood risks. The planned construction of thousands of new hydropower dams will add pressure to transboundary collaboration in river basin areas.

On request of the Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, PBL transformed the Geography of Future Water Challenges into a website. The website ends with the need to bend the trend. In the coming years the website is to be expanded with pathways forward; the solutions and how to achieve them to bend the trend.

After all ‘We rely on water for everything we need’ (Betsy Otto, WRI 2019).


Willem Ligtvoet, Arno Bouwman


Publication date
26 February 2019
Publication type
Product number