International Workshop on Targets for a Circular Economy - summary

In preparation for The Annual World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in January 2020, PBL Netherlands and Utrecht University, in consultation with PACE, organized an international workshop on targets for a circular economy on the 17th of January 2020. 

The workshop was attended by more than 30 leading actors from public, private and civil society in Europe. The goal of the workshop was to discuss key dimensions for circular economy targets that go beyond the input of resources and generation of waste. Furthermore, the need for coordination, harmonization and alignment was identified, and a basis was set for further collaboration among the participants with next steps. The  recommendations were discussed with Stientje van Veldhoven (Dutch Minister of Housing and Environment) and used as an input to shape the discussion on circular economy metrics at the WEF.


PBL Authors
Julia Koch


Publication title
International Workshop on Targets for a Circular Economy - summary
Publication date
24 February 2020
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