Dynamics in car ownership: the role of entry into parenthood


This study investigates the impact of entry into parenthood on changes in car ownership. If entry into parenthood affects changes in car ownership, then a delay in people’s entry into parenthood may also be an important explanation for recent car travel trends of young adults.

For this study, we analysed the impact of entry into parenthood on changes in the number of cars per household. Also, attention was paid to the role of other related life-course changes, such as a change in employment, household income or urbanisation level. Using a unique data set, in which register data from 2011 and 2013 on the Dutch population, income and vehicle registration were combined, the study revealed that couples would be more likely to buy a car and less likely to sell their car when they enter into parenthood. This implies that the postponement of entry into parenthood may lead to postponed car ownership, and that an increase in the number of people who remain childless throughout their lives could lead to an overall decline in car ownership.


Abu Toasin Md Oakil, Dorien Manting, Hans Nijland


Publication title
Dynamics in car ownership: the role of entry into parenthood
Publication date
12 September 2016
Publication type
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research: EJTIR 16(4), 2016, pp.661-673
Product number