On the potential contribution of spatial planning in combination with unbreachable embankments in the design of a robust flood risk system, exemplified for the Netherlands


The Dutch flood-risk management policy has recently been revised. The previous policy exclusively aimed at flood prevention. The new policy recognises that, although the probability of flooding is extremely low in the Netherlands, floods can never be completely ruled out. Therefore, also the options to reduce vulnerability to flooding will be explored.

Smaller flooded areas

This paper shows that applying unbreachable embankments would not only substantially reduce exposure, but also has something to offer to spatial planning. These types of embankments would result in smaller flooded areas and lower flood depths.

Robust flood-risk system

This makes it easier for spatial planners to decide where to develop (fewer restrictions) and for builders to adapt buildings and infrastructure to flooding. Also, the application of such embankments would result in a more robust flood-risk system, since, even if circumstances change for the worse, consequences would remain limited.

Smart mix

Finally, unbreachable embankments, although expensive to implement, ultimately may be more efficient than the present generation of embankments. Policies that aim especially for a smart mix of unbreachable embankments and dedicated spatial planning appear the most promising, as this would reduce risk, considerably, against relatively moderate additional costs.


Joost Knoop, Willem Ligtvoet en Frans Klijn


Publication title
On the potential contribution of spatial planning in combination with unbreachable embankments in the design of a robust flood risk system, exemplified for the Netherlands
Publication date
28 April 2013
Publication type
Comprehensive Flood Risk Management
Product number