River nitrogen export to the worlds oceans


This paper discusses historical and future anthropogenic disturbance of river nutrient loads and export to coastal marine systems, which is a major global problem affecting water quality and biodiversity. In aquatic systems inputs of N and P stem from point and nonpoint sources. Point sources are primarily associated with sewage effluents, including wastewater from households and industrial activities. Nonpoint sources comprise all nutrients entering the surface-water system in a diffuse manner and are associated with agricultural land use and the disturbance of natural ecosystems, primarily by atmospheric N deposition.


Bouwman AF , Drecht G van , Knoop JM , Beusen AHW , Meinardi CR


Publication title
Exploring changes in river nitrogen export to the world's oceans
Publication date
1 January 2005
Publication type
Global Biochemical Cycles 2005; 19:art.no. GB1002
Product number