Strengthening the science-policy interface: experiences from a European Thematic Network on Air pollution and Health (AIRNET)


The science-policy-stakeholder interplay in the area of air pollution becomes increasingly important when developing health-effective and cost-efficient risk control strategies that are also transparent and sound, and carry stakeholder support


AIRNET (2002-2004) has been an EU-funded Thematic Network project (QLRT-2001-00441, Key Action 4, Environment and Health), initiated to develop an overarching, European-wide framework for air pollution and health research.

AIRNET has collected, interpreted, and disseminated data from recent EU or nationally funded projects, in order to strengthen the science-policy interface and to draw policy-relevant recommendations. An important aspect of AIRNET has been the involvement of stakeholders in the discussion of the interpretation and use of air pollution and health knowledge.

AIRNET has made headway in reducing the communication gap between science, policy, and stakeholders by encouraging and implementing participation of and interaction between:

  1. key investigators of recent or ongoing EU and non-EU funded research projects;
  2. WHO and UN ECE representatives and policy makers at EU and national levels;
  3. representatives of the automotive, oil, gas and metal industries, and iv) representatives from key patient, health care, and environmental NGOs.

AIRNETs multi-stakeholder communication activities

  • Work Groups producing end-reports (written in conjunction with science journalists for improved readability)
  • Annual Conferences (to develop science-policy-stakeholder interactions)
  • Stakeholder Survey in Europe(to establish AIRNETs end-user needs)
  • AIRNET Communication Strategy
  • Multi-stakeholder AIR NETwork days and consultation models in various countries in Europe
  • AIRNET Alert (web-based tool for disseminating non-specialist summaries of research)
  • AIRNET Newsletters (with recent findings and highlights)
  • Internet website
  • AIRNET as a key project for the European Commission CAFE programme

Collaborators AIRNET network

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP, Van Bree) and the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS, Utrecht University, Brunekreef)) have initiated and coordinated the AIRNET Network.


Totlandsdal AI , Fudge N , Sanderson EG , Bree L van , Brunekreef B


Publication title
Strengthening the science-policy interface: experiences from a European Thematic Network on Air pollution and Health (AIRNET)
Publication date
19 July 2007
Publication type
Environ Sci Policy 2007; 10(3):260-6
Product number