Tool use in integrated assessments - Integration and synthesis report for the SustainabilityA-Test project


Policy assessments can be improved by making better use of tools such as multi-criteria analysis and cost benefit analysis. Information about these tools is now available as website. This website also provides guidance on when to use what tool. The scientific justification of the website can be found in the publication ‘tool use in integrated assessments’.

Scientific underpinning of tool use in integrated assessments

The SustainabilityA-Test project

The way policy assessments are currently carried out leaves some room for improvement. This can be achieved by making efficient use of (combinations of) existing tools. A precondition for making tool combinations is to know what tools there are and what they can deliver. This became the central issue in setting up the SustainabilityA-Test project.

Available tools and their role in integrated assessment 

The SustainabilityA-Test project has led to an inventory of tools that can be used to evaluate the effects of policy on sustainable development. The project comprised a literature study, case study and a series of interviews with those who actually carried out the assessments. This work resulted in an overall framework, documented in the report, which describes the tasks generally taken up in a policy evaluation and the tools that can support these tasks.

The website, developed in the course of the project, is helpful for two reasons:

  • the website supports finding suitable tools for tasks in integrated assessments, and
  • the website contains peer-reviewed and easily accessible information on the tools.     

This will help increase tool use and, in doing so, can forge a link between the scientific and policy-making communities.

First step towards better underpinning of tool use 

SustainabilityA-Test covered more than 50 different assessment tools in total, representing a vast, but still limited, selection of all the tools in existence. The result of this project should therefore be considered as a first step towards a better dissemination of knowledge on assessment tools and on the role of tools in policy evaluations.


Lotze-Campen H , Dijk MM , Gunther D , Herwijnen M van , Kasperczyk N , Kemp RPM , Knickel K , Kuik OJ , Martens P , Matovelle A , Nilsson M , Patel M , Sousa Pedrosa T de , Guimaraes Pereira A , Raggamby A von , Schepelmann P , Simon KH , Turnpenny J , Wesselink LG - Ridder W de (eds)


Publication title
Tool use in integrated assessments - Integration and synthesis report for the SustainabilityA-Test project
Publication date
11 January 2007
Publication type
Publication language
Product number