Lenny van Bussel

At PBL I work as a scientific researcher in the work program 'monitoring and evaluation of nitrogen reduction and nature improvement'. In this work program, PBL works together with WUR and RIVM. With the policy program 'nitrogen reduction and nature improvement', the Dutch cabinet wants to guarantee the restoration of protected nature and make room for economic and social activities. The cabinet does this through a combination of emission measures, nature restoration measures and spatial measures. The consortium monitors and evaluates this policy program. I mainly focus on ex-ante analyses of nature restoration measures.
- Ph.D. Wageningen University & Research (title thesis: From field to globe: Upscaling of crop growth modelling)
- MSc. Earth System Science, Wageningen University & Research
- MSc. Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University & Research
Work experience
- Wageningen University & Research (Assistant Professor Environmental Systems Analysis)
- Wageningen University & Research (Postdoc Plant Production Systems)
- Bonn University (Postdoc Agronomy)
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