Clara Veerkamp

Full name
C.J. Veerkamp, MSc
As an environmental scientist, I seek to understand the relationship between nature and people. Thereby, I often use the concept of ecosystem services (nature’s contribution to people) as a narrative. My work focuses on the integrated assessment and spatial modelling of present and future ecosystem services and biodiversity under different future scenarios. I am especially interested in future developments and how nature can be part of the solutions to address challenges such as climate change, loss of biodiversity and human health. I have experiences and are interested in working in multidisciplinary project teams and have a strong interest in working on the science-policy interface. In my PhD, I particularly focuses on nature-based solutions for urban sustainability challenges.
  • Biology, minor Environmental Science (BSc), Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Environmental Science - Environmental System Analysis (MSc), Wageningen University
Work experience
  • Junior researcher ecosystem services, Wageningen University
  • Research nature-based solutions, Lund University, Sweden


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