Stakeholder-designed scenarios for global food security assessments
To guide policymaking, decision makers require a good understanding of the long-term drivers of food security and their interactions. Scenario analysis is widely considered as the appropriate tool to…
Decarbonisation options for the Dutch PVC industry
This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch PVC industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and ECN part of TNO. The…
Analysing international shipping and aviation emission projections
This report presents an analysis of published emission projections of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) and other, sectoral, models. At the moment, international aviation and shipping are…
Trends in Global CO2 and Total Greenhouse Gas emissions; 2019 report
Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have increased at 1.5% per year, over the last decade, with only a slight slowdown from 2014 to 2016. In 2018, the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions…
The global food system is a major energy user and a relevant contributor to climate change. To date, the literature on the energy profile of food systems addresses individual countries and/or food…
Mitigating energy demand sector emissions: The integrated modelling perspective
Limiting climate change below a given temperature will require fundamental changes in the current energy system, both in the energy supply and the energy demand sectors. Previous global model-based…
Comparing the impact of future cropland expansion on global biodiversity and carbon storage across models and scenarios
Land-use change is a direct driver of biodiversity and carbon storage loss. Projections of future land use often include notable expansion of cropland areas in response to changes in climate and food…
Effects of European emission reductions on air quality in the Netherlands and the associated health effects
Since the 1970s, European policies to improve air quality have resulted in fewer air polluting emissions, in many countries. As a result, levels of ambient concentrations of particulate matter and…
From global to national scenarios: Bridging different models to explore power generation decarbonisation based on insights from socio-technical transition case studies
In this paper, we apply two global Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) and one detailed European electricity system model to explore the consequences of different narrative-based low-carbon scenarios…
Capacity vs energy subsidies for promoting renewable investment: Benefits and costs for the EU power market
Policy makers across Europe have implemented renewable support policies with several policy objectives in mind. Among these are achieving ambitious renewable energy targets at the lowest cost…