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Transport scenarios for the Netherlands for 2030. A description of the scenarios for the OECD project 'Environmental Sustainable Transport'

The Environmental Sustainable Transport (EST) project contains a business-as-usual scenario and three EST scenarios: one 'high-technology' scenario containing only technological changes, one 'capacity…

Deposition of base-cations in Europe and its role in acid neutralization and forest nutrition

In considering acidification problems, emphasis is seldom placed on the role of deposition of base-cations such as Na +, Mg 2 +, Ca 2 + and K +. Besides their ability to neutralize acid input, base…

Nitrogen pollution on the local and regional scale: the present state of knowledge and research needs

Concerns the results of a feasibility study on the realisation of a nitrogen research programme for the local scale. This study, initiated by the Ministries of Housing, Physical Planning and…

A model-based approach to the calculation of global warming potentials (GWP)

The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of greenhouse gas emissions can be defined as a greenhouse pendant to the Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP). Global Warming Potentials are calculated for the most…

Temperature increasing potentials (TIPS) for greenhouse gases

In order to develop long-term environmental goals with respect to global climate change an index to compare the temperature increasing effect of greenhouse gas emissions is needed. In this report for…