Air Quality in Major European Cities. Part II: City Report Forms


Within the framework of Europe's Environment programme, commissioned by the EU and co-ordinated by the EEA-Task Force, RIVM, NILU and MGO conducted a study on air quality in a number of cities in Europe. The results of this research were summarised in Sluyter (ed.), 1995 (Air Quality in Major European Cities, Part I: Scientific Background Document to Europe's Environment).

Supplementary to the Scientific Background Document, this report presents the basic data per city in specially designed "City Report Forms". The first chapter provides a brief introduction. The second chapter summarises the data collection. The procedures followed in compiling the City Report Forms are described in the third chapter. The City Report Forms are listed in alphabetical order.


Zantvoort EDG van , Sluyter RJCF , Larssen S (eds.) , Eerens HC , Velze K van , Bezuglaya E , Burn J , Gronskei K


Publication title
Air Quality in Major European Cities. Part II: City Report Forms
Publication date
31 May 1995
Publication type
Publication language
Product number