Assessment of bottom-up sectoral and regional mitigation potentials. Background report


In this study estimates are provided for greenhouse gas reduction potentials of different economic sectors in three world regions. The estimates are an update of the values reported in the Fouth Assesment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) . The study is part of a larger project evaluating the IPCC mitigation potentials - and in particular IPCC's finding that two different assessment methods give similar results: the bottom-up approach which is characterised by technological and sectoral detailed information and a top-down approach using models. In this background report the update of the bottom-up estimates are discussed and results are presented for energy related sectors: energy, transport, industry , residential and services.

This study is performed within the framework of the Scientific Assessment and Policy Analysis programme for climate change (WAB) program.


Hoogwijk M , Rue du Can S de la , Novikova A , Urge-Vorsatz D , Blomen E


Publication title
Assessment of bottom-up sectoral and regional mitigation potentials. Background report
Publication date
22 December 2008
Publication type
Publication language
Product number