Calculation and mapping of Critical Thresholds in Europe: Status Report 1995


The present aim of the Coordination Center for Effects (CCE) is to give scientific and technical support to the development of the critical loads and level methodology, in collaboration with the Programme Centres under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.

Earlier CCE reports concentrated on the development of critical loads for acidity and sulphur which lead to the scientific support of the UN/ECE-protocol on the further reduction of sulfur emissions (see Hettelingh et al., 1991 ; Downing et al., 1993).

The contents of the third report does not exclusively deal with critical loads, but also includes material which has been developed over the past two years with respect to related pollutants and multiple effects. Results of the development of land cover maps, which will ultimately enable the assessment of stock at risk due to both direct and indirect impacts, are presented. Preliminary investigations of small scale mapping are included, preliminary results on so-called binding thresholds presented, and progres with the development of critical loads for heavy metals and POPs introduced. The progress made with respect to mapping critical levels for ozone is reported by some National Focal Centers. A detailed description of basic National Focal Center data sent to CCE is provided as well.

The status report 1995 is similar to earlier CCE reports with respect to providing methods and maps of recent work using latest data on critical loads for acidity and critical loads for eutrophication, and providing an overview of the results of National Focal Center results.


Posch M , Smet PAM de , Hettelingh JP , Downing RJ


Publication title
Calculation and mapping of Critical Thresholds in Europe: Status Report 1995
Publication date
30 November 1995
Publication type
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