Carbon and land footprint time series of the Netherlands - integrating data from the GTAP and WIOD databases


The paper presents the results of an analysis of the carbon and land footprints of the Netherlands from 1995 to 2011. For the calculations, the PBL multi-region input-output (MRIO) model was used in which data from two global MRIO databases, WIOD and GTAP, were integrated. The WIOD data enabled the calculation of a consistent year-to-year time series. The GTAP data - with more detail in regions and sectors than the WIOD data - enabled a better allocation of greenhouse gas emissions and land use in agriculture and the WIOD rest-of-the-world region.

Greenhouse gas emissions related to Dutch consumption rose slightly with an annual increase of 0.3% in the period 1995-2011 with the rise in CO2 emissions as the main driver. Where the domestic emissions decreased, the emissions related to imports for Dutch consumption rose. All WIOD countries outside the EU-27 showed an increase in greenhouse gas emissions in production for Dutch consumption. The land footprint increased with 0.4% annually as a result of a higher demand for crop and pasture land. The demand for forest land decreased in the period considered. Europe, Central and South America and Asia showed the largest contributions in the Dutch land footprint.

Disclaimer: This paper was prepared for and presented at the 22nd International Input-Output Conference in Lisbon, 15-18 July, 2014. The analysis presented in the paper is still work in progress. Results may change in the final version of the paper, so in case of citation of figures please contact the author.


Harry Wilting


Publication title
Carbon and land footprint time series of the Netherlands - integrating data from the GTAP and WIOD databases
Publication date
16 June 2014
Publication type
Product number