Charted Choices 2011-2015 - Effects of nine election platforms on the economy and the environment

At the request of nine political parties, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis and PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency have mapped out the effects of the respective election platforms on the economy and the environment. The analysis shows that each of the proposed policy measures included in the platforms has both advantages and disadvantages. The platforms thus reflect the diverse choices that have been made by the parties.

CPB and PBL have analyzed election platforms

Today’s publication, Charted Choices 2011-2015 — Effects of nine election platforms on the economy and the environment, presents the impact of party programs on public finances, purchasing power and employment. Also included in the publication are analyses in the field of mobility, energy and climate, nature, education, housing and healthcare.

Unique Dutch tradition

This is the seventh time that CPB has analyzed the election platforms at the request of the political parties. This tradition — in which the Netherlands is quite unique — was launched in 1986, when only CDA (Christian Democrats), PvdA (Labour) and VVD (Liberals) requested the analysis. Over the years, the number of parties has increased. This time, besides the above-mentioned three parties, six other parties requested an analysis: SP, PVV, Green Left, Christian Union, D66 and SGP.

In earlier editions, the environmental effects were analyzed separately by the MNP Environmental Assessment Agency, a forerunner of the PBL. The 2010 analysis of the election programs is, for the first time, a joint project of CPB and PBL.

Purpose of the analysis

The analysis of the election platforms is in no way intended to be a seal of approval or voting advice. The goal is to provide comparability of election platforms in an objective way, including a summary of the effects on the economy and the environment. Providing insight into the impact of proposed policy measures is a service that the assessment agencies extend to voters and parties. Voters must determine for themselves which (collection of) effects they find most appealing.

Experience shows that Charted Choices is also a useful source of information after the elections, during the formation of a new cabinet. With all the political differences of opinion that inevitably exist between parties, Charted Choices facilitates a good exchange of information between parties on the impact of their policy proposals. If the parties wish to use the publication, it might prove helpful in the process of forming a new coalition government.


Marcel Lever (CPB) en Sonja Kruitwagen (PBL)


Publication title
Charted Choices 2011-2015 — Effects of nine election platforms on the economy and the environment
Publication date
20 May 2010
Publication type
Publication language
Product number