Cities in Europe (Chinese)


Cities are expected to play a key role in delivering the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, green and inclusive growth. Therefore, the European Commission, EU Member States and European cities are collaborating to develop an Urban Agenda for the EU.

The publication ‘Cities in Europe’ contains 13 infographics that show facts and figures on recent urban developments in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy and the Urban Agenda for the EU, which aims to strengthen the urban dimension in the European Union.

Based on the harmonised definition of urban areas by Eurostat and the OECD, European cities are compared with each other and recent trends are described, such as those in migration, risk of urban poverty and urban-rural divergence in employment growth.



Kersten Nabielek, David Hamers, David Evers


Publication title
Cities in Europe (Chinese)
Publication date
20 February 2019
Publication type
Product number